Sunday, May 15, 2011


I can't be sure Marae is actually hearing any sound till the BAER hearing test. This was the test her hearing loss diagnoses was based off. She will have it repeated in June with the hearings aids in. BUT, I believe in my heart that she is hearing some sounds when her hearing aids are in. Her whole demeanor changes and after we place the aids and begin saying her name, she becomes still and her face lights up with a smile. I cant help but think she is hearing us. The ENT has told us that our observations are vital and are just as important as any test they perform. She seems to love when I slide my voice up and down or growl at the kids. Sometimes the dog even joins in and starts howling with me. I've noticed she is starting to copy simple sounds that come out of my mouth and not always when her hearing aids are in. This means she is noticing already the shape my lips are making. It's amazing how she will lock on to my eyes and even without aids in, she will have so much to communicate. We have fun making faces at each other and she loves it when I bat my eyebrows at her. It makes her smile every time. I am definitely enjoying every moment with her.

Here is a video of us talking the other day. I have yet to catch one of our really great conversations on video, but here is a start.

Tomorrow we are headed to a preschool we are looking into for Marae (yes already!). It's called "Listen and Talk". They use only auditory verbal therapy, no sign. There are are many CI implant kids who attend and we are thinking it will be the optimal place for Marae to hone her speaking and listening skills. This school also has a parent infant program for early intervention and it's the program we are looking at doing. We're hoping the preschool will give us a taste of what the infant program will be like. If you are interested in seeing what the school is all about, here is the link. There are videos on the website of the kids singing as well as videos of the type of therapy they do at home with kids.

Deciding which early intervention program we will do has been much more difficult than I thought it would be. We are spoiled in the Seattle area. There are three amazing programs and each one of them has something amazing to offer its' participants. What it comes down to is how we want Marae to communicate. For the first 3 years this program will help her develop our chosen way of communication. Luke and I have chosen to do the implants and for Marae to learn spoken English. At first I thought, "why would people chose to keep their child in the world of silence?" But I have discovered that there are all sorts of reasons why a family may opt not to do the implants. There is a certain pride in the deaf community. Having said that, there is a new generation of children with cochlear implants. I was told that 95% of cochlear implant candidates opt for the implants.
I'll finish with a few recent pictures of Marae, Kay, and Noah.

1 comment:

  1. Marae is so beautiful and we can't wait to meet her! Thanks for starting this blog so we can keep up with you guys. We are praying for you. Love, the Davis family :)
